Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tea Party Exodus

"While sun and moon endure, America shall remain a city of refuge for the whole earth, until she herself shall play the tyrant, forget her destiny, disgrace her freedom, and provoke her God"  - George Duffield, Chaplin to First Continental Congress, May 17, 1776

This prophecy of one of our founding fathers has been fulfilled.  America is no longer what it was founded to be.  It is quickly transitioning into an entitlement society where individual freedoms and individual responsibilities are being lost at a deafening pace.  Instead of people taking care of each other, Americans are looking to the government to take care of them.

The time is fast approaching for the exodus!  It is too late for George Washington to restore America.  America is under Divine judgment and will soon disappear never to rise again!  We as a people need to call out to the Almighty and ask for His deliverance.  He will send us our Moses.  A Moses that will talk face to face with the Almighty and lead us out of America and to the Promised Land!